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Friday, December 6, 2013

Silent Nights at PinnacleHealth

At this time of year another popular song comes to mind too- Silent Night. Much like most women would want for a little more me time, most would like a little more quiet too.  Patients in hospitals agree too! In fact studies show that reduced noise levels help patients sleep better. That means they heal and recover more quickly.

At PinnacleHealth we work to ensure silent nights all year long through our Shhh program—Silent Hospitals Help Healing.  Shhh is a program that has educated employees on the ways we can decrease noise so patients can enjoy a quieter environment in our hospitals. It also means that employees can concentrate better and experience less stress.  Our efforts include:

  • Setting cell phones and pagers to the lowest ring setting or to vibrate. 
  • Speaking more quietly and in appropriate areas. 
  • Closing patient doors when possible and safe. 
  • Wearing soft-soled shoes. 

With our efforts, patients at PinnacleHealth will find the restful nights they need to enjoy a healthy and happy new year.

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